单词 slip on 例句大全,用单词slip on造句:

If he wanted to get into Buckingham Palace on the dodge,how would he slip by the policeman?
My company is specialised in underwear, such as bra, slip, Gstring, boxer, tricot and so on.
Why is a horse less apt to slip on slick ground when he is trotting than when he is cantering?
Forming Mechanism of the Bank Slip Mass on the Dangerous Qiujiawan Reach of the Changjiang River
Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb.
有时, 一束月光穿过冷雨簌簌帕打在窗棂格栅, 掸散丝丝蛛网。
Decoupling is accomplished slip command signal dependent on the estimate of the motor's parameters.
这种解耦是依靠对电机参数 得估计来实现得。
Significance and Influence of Bamboo Slip Book on Military Science in Han Dynasty from Yinque Mountain
Unable to deal with Mrs. Choir on such short notice, he decided the best thing to do was to slip away.
仓卒间应付不来周太太, 还是溜走为妙。
Analysis on the Working Performance of Limited Slip Differential Used on the Wheel Loader's Drive Axle
This paper has studied the control system of the artificial hand based on tactile and slip feeling feedback.
To put your vest on, simply slip it over your head, then fasten the buckle and pull the straps tightly around your waist.
I step on this slip board fleeing back and forth in crowd, people appreciates numerously and confusedly, my coy doctrine Learn in fact very easyly!
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