单词 sleep on 例句大全,用单词sleep on造句:

I don't have a tent, but I'll sleep on a bench if there's space.
One of the difficulty of attendant on shift work is lack of sleep
I guess we will just have to sleep on the floor of his apartment.
There, he was beaten and forced to sleep on the bare floor naked.
Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on men
在思念夜中, 异象之间, 世人沉睡的时候,
Influence of nasal obstruction on obstructive sleep apnea syndrone
There is a bed for you, asas for him, can only sleep on the floor.
I had a divan in my sittingroom, and could very well sleep on that.
在起居间里我还有一只长沙发, 我可以睡在那上面。
Does he sleep on a doggy bed of nails As a matter of fact, he does.
它也睡在钉床上吗?不瞒你说, 是的
On Sundays, a lot of tourists indulge in a long sleep on the beach.
He hooked them to brain monitors and made them sleep on a treadmill.
The sleep that on baby's eyes, does anybody know from where it comes?
掠过婴儿双木的睡眠, 有谁知道它来自何方?
The academy academy says babys babies should sleep on their backs, it.
这个学会说, 宝宝应该平躺着睡。
Due to poverty, she has to sleep on a simple bamboo couch every night.
I can't decide what to do. I'll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.
I bargained with her to come and sleep on my sofa for a dollar a night.
我让她来我家沙发上睡, 经过讨价还价每晚付她一美元。
Why do I sleep lie over the waist on the bed does cover character ache ?
I managed to sleep on the plane and arrived feeling as fresh as a daisy.
我总算在飞机上睡了觉, 到达时精神焕发。
Sleep, go to movies, play bowling, skating on the quad on the tank range.
Did you know there are people who sleep with absolutely nothing on at all?
I sit on the chair, sleep on the bed, and use toothbrush to brush my teeth.
我坐在椅子上, 睡在床上, 还有用牙刷来刷牙。
Theres no shortage of advice for new parents on nappy rash or sleep routines.
He made a tight fist in his sleep, and a blissful smile appeared on his face.
Patients'families sleep on floors and in a courtyard next to the labor wards.
You should have acupuncture every other day. Sleep on a hard bed and rest well.
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单词 sleep on 释义

  • 单词释义:先睡一晚上对…作出决定  [更多..]



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