单词 sleep on 例句大全,用单词sleep on造句:

Let the experience brew Try to avoid making a judgment and instead sleep on it.
让体验来酿造努力不要做出评价, 而是过段时间在看看。
And since the weather's glorious and warm, most of us opt to sleep on the deck.
He said aloud as he stretched back on to the bed and quickly drifted into sleep.
The effects of overnight sleep deprivation on cardiovascular autonomic modulation
On the spicy nights, the subjects spent more time awake and had poorer quality sleep.
In the end the bamboo bed Hungchien was to sleep on was exchanged for the door plank.
As a result, prisoners are forced to sleep on the concrete floor on pieces of cardboard.
结果, 囚犯们被迫躺在铺着硬纸板的水泥地上。
Awaken to the sunrise over Koko Head and go to sleep with the Moon shimmering on the bay.
One rainy night, I went down to the drugstore to get a paperback to read myself to sleep on.
一个雨夜, 我走进杂货店, 打算买本简装小说睡前催眠用。
She and the three children all sleep on the same mattress in the one bedroom behind the shop.
Clinical Observation on Effect of Auricular Acupoint Pressing in Treating Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Study on Relation of Early Awakening and Sleep Electroencephalograph in Patients with Depression
Effects of humid heat exposure in later sleep segments on sleep stages and body temperature in humans
Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push ones biological clock further out of whack.
Abecedarian and Experimental Research of XingShen Capsule on Treatment of Fatigue and Sleep Deprivation.
One of the first things arranged between him and his associate was to permit the two others to sleep on.
Clinical study on ear point tapping and pressing therapy for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
With me, the noonday nap is often rather a hovering and nodding on the borders of sleep than sleep itself.
It appeared that the second detainee had to sleep on the ground as the sleeping platform was only for one person.
看来第二个囚犯只能睡在地上, 因为睡铺仅够一个人用。
The hypnotic apparatus, an unparalleled wonder in Both ancient and modern times, Brings aBout revolution on sleep.
催眠辅助仪, 妙绝古今, 睡眠新革命。
However, to do with the original breach, the small guy simply habitually sleep on the left side of his head towards.
然而, 事与原违, 小家伙硬是习惯性地把头偏向左侧睡。
Design of Continuous Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System and Study on the Mechanism of Its Effect on Human Sleep
OBJECTIVE To study the effects of piperine on sleep in mice and rabbits, and analyse anticonvulsant action of piperine in mice.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a standardized protocol of auricular therapy using magnetic pearls on sleep promotion in the elderly
That evening Hsinmei, Hungchien, and Miss Sun made a polite pretense of yielding to each other for a while over who was to sleep on the bamboo cot.
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单词 sleep on 释义

  • 单词释义:先睡一晚上对…作出决定  [更多..]



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