单词 sleep off 例句大全,用单词sleep off造句:

Jimmy was thinking of his birthday party as he dropped off to sleep.
吉米睡觉时, 考虑着他的生日聚会。
Jimmy was thinking of his birthday party as the dropped off to sleep.
She suffered sleep traumas and would often wander off when in public.
她有睡眠障碍的问题, 常常在公开场合乱走走丢。
He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he dozed off to sleep.
这个向导晚饭吃得过饱, 心情放松, 就打起盹来, 然后睡着了。
You can't work off a large sleep debt by getting a good night's sleep.
Charles After you get through this. Take the night off. Get some sleep.
From her breathing it was evident that she was going off to sleep again.
His head kept nodding and he kept drifting off to sleep while we talked.
It was only when he finally drifted off to sleep that the headaches eased.
The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.
The constant drip, drip, drip of the water off the roof lulled him to sleep.
You drift off to sleep and next thing you know, it sounds like a lumberyard.
你睡着了然后被惊醒, 那就像木场里锯木发出的声音。
Although sleep is always fitful on trains, I dozed off more quickly than usual.
Deeply moved the film he had seen, he couldn't get off to sleep for a long time.
He stirred in his chair, trying to shake off his thoughts so that he could sleep.
As I watched her, I began to drift off to sleep, feeling nothing menacing about her.
Sorry I'm late. I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.
The sooner you wipe that disgrace off your character, the sounder will be your sleep.
你把你这种丢人的耻辱抹去得愈快, 你就愈能睡得安稳。
Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows, crisp linen and a duvet.
Although I was absolutely exhausted from the long journey, I could not get off to sleep.
虽然长途旅行使我十分疲劳, 可我就是睡不着。
Later the president is able to tuck his children into bed before they drift off to sleep.
Auto sleep awake f energy save environment protection. Auto power off cooling f safety protection.
自动休眠唤醒, 自动切源冷却等功能, 节能环保, 安全可靠。
Lightsome show film of translucent lacteal eye, need not be cleaned or rip off, can sleep after direct daub.
轻盈呈半透明乳状眼膜, 无需清洗或撕掉, 可直接涂抹后睡觉。
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