单词 sleep with 例句大全,用单词sleep with造句:

She will sleep with the biggest smile on her face and will surely dream of you all night.
Breathing during sleep with harsh noises caused by vibration of the uvula or soft palate.
Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, give your baby only water.
Every time I tried to sleep, someone with a cattle prod reached through the bars and poked me.
How many people with lofty ideals, sleep for east the arousal of lion, and nauseating loud cry.
多少仁人志士, 为东方睡狮的觉醒, 而呕心呐喊。
Study on Relation of Early Awakening and Sleep Electroencephalograph in Patients with Depression
The researchers also point out that diabetes is not the only risk associated with sleep duration.
研究人员还指出, 睡眠时间不仅仅与患糖尿病的风险相关。
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise rpon your lips.
Perioperative Complications of Adenotonsillectomy in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep
Potentially, the most serious problem associated with insomnia is related to obstructive sleep apnea.
Conclusion The patients of chronic renal functional failure are easy merged with sleep apnea syndrome.
Seriously. That comment you just made about my thunder thighs does not make me want to sleep with you.
Nearly half of the respondents associated their lack of sleep with electronic media use before bedtime.
With me, the noonday nap is often rather a hovering and nodding on the borders of sleep than sleep itself.
Valentine summoned every effort, and breathed with that regular respiration which announces tranquil sleep.
One night, weeks after Beaus memorial service, I woke from the deepest part of sleep with Oaxaca on my mind.
Music for efficient sleep, with gentle melody and musical sound, creates especially comfortable surroundings.
This divine afflatus comes in the morning when one has had a good sleep with sweet dreams and wakes up by himself.
Objective To explore characteristic of sleep electroencephalograph in depressives with and without early awakening.
However, to do with the original breach, the small guy simply habitually sleep on the left side of his head towards.
然而, 事与原违, 小家伙硬是习惯性地把头偏向左侧睡。
Dressed up as a shepherd, Hermes lulled Argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories, then killed him and set Io free.
As for the slapstick performances of all, cool Vergie Derman with her diminutive, adoring partner, Wayne Sleep, it has them rolling in the aisles.
说到身材颀长,一本正经的费吉 德曼和她的个子矮
Comparison of the results of plasma scalpel assisted UPPP with radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
During testimony intended to show the judge that Barker could be rehabilitated, Barkers fellow soldiers described weeks with little support and sleep while manning distant checkpoints.
在早前的证词中, 巴克尔描述了他们强奸伊拉克少女的细节。
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