单词 Social War 例句大全,用单词Social War造句:

Social unrest up to and including a civil war will follow.
社会动荡升级, 战争随之而至。
The cause of the war, he says, was social and political exclusion.
他说, 战争的起因是社会和政治上的排外。
War and conflict impede all forms of social stability and progress.
My Government has, therefore, declared war against that social vice.
The First World War served as a catalyst for major social changes in Europe.
Peace is not only a social appearance, but also the war idea of ancient strategist.
Years of civil war have wrecked the country's infrastructure and destroyed its social fabric.
War and deadly conflicts have social and economic consequences long after the fighting has ended.
This is the foundation of all of social sciences, the foundation of religion, the foundation of war.
Inland Moving Cultures and the Social Evolution of Guizhou during the War of Resistance against Japan
But after the war, the social situation in Iraq is confused, the rebuilding faces lots of difficulties.
但战后, 伊社会状况混乱, 民不聊生, 伊重建将面临诸多困难。
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