单词 transit entry 例句大全,用单词transit entry造句:

Measures to prevent entry or transit
In the case of transit do you have an entry permit for the final destination ?
如属过境签证, 你是否具有进入最终目的地国的入境许可证?
In case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination?
It regulates entry, exit and transit for foreign trucks and public transport vehicles.
In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination ?
如过境, 是否有最后目的地国的入境许可?
In case of transit, do you have the entry authorization for the Country of destination ?
如属过境签证, 是否有目的国发出的入境许可证?
The Federal Office for Migration shall oversee the implementation of the ban on entry and transit under article2.
The Federal Office for Migration shall oversee the implementation of the ban on entry and transit under article4.
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单词 transit entry 释义

  • 单词释义:过境报单,转口入境  [更多..]



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