单词 to the pay of 例句大全,用单词to the pay of造句:

out of the joint account to pay Whitney?
And who's going to pay the price of the Kyoto Accord?
Pay more attention to the harm of acid rain in Huaihe areas
The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial.
A degree of ablaut. Pay attention to the drills in the English vowel sounds.
The terms of mortgages need to be adjusted to the homeowners'ability to pay.
In the absence of guarantees to pay the amount of interest can not be deducted.
Of course, she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the Tax Administration.
当然, 她必须付一些附加费来向税务部门交税。
The Institute will pay fees according to the contract of engagement enclosed herewith.
The sports teachers should pay attention to the good accomplishment of posture language
Even the attempts to supplant it pay IQ the tribute of accepting its frame of reference.
Pay Equal Attention to Many Entity, Accelerate the Construction of Socialistic New Country
Pay Attention to Psychological Health of the Entrant of University in Their Adaption Peroid.
Pay Close Attention to the Advance Sale System of Houses and Defend the Risk of the Housing Loan
Apple also acknowledged that it had no scientific basis for the amount of tax it was willing to pay.
The countries that abound in aquatic resources pay much attention to the development of aquaculture.
Of course, only the foolhardy will often achieve very little, have to pay attention to skills review.
Pay an arbitration fee in advance to the Arbitration Commission according Fee Schedule of Commission.
The depreciation of sterling is adding to imported cost pressures, but pay pressures continue to wane.
英镑贬值增加进口成本压力, 但薪资压力继续消退。
List of Ranks Whose Pay Scale Have Already Been Adjusted in Recognition of the Requirement to Work Shifts
Therefore, the administrative organs of the hydropower station and213 road should pay attention to the problem.
The Quantitative Analysis of Internal Relationship between Succession of Personal Accounts and Months to Pay Pensions
a cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account.
他开出一张1, 000美元的支票并将其给了秘书。
The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average.
共同海损费用垫款的保险费, 也应作为共同海损。
A number of countries propose to address the issue of equal pay and reconciliation of family and work responsibilities.
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