单词 wheat straw 例句大全,用单词wheat straw造句:

Mathematical Model and Optimum Formula of High Yielding Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus with Wheat Straw
The effects of xylanase boosting bleaching of wood pulp and wheat straw pulp are investigated in this paper.
Effect of returning straw to field on weeds of rice field and wheat field and the efficiency of chemical weeding
Contribution of the Major Components in Wheat Straw to the Organic Material Loading of Its Soda Pulping Black Liquor
A Series of feasible means of all wheat and rice straw application without chopping and cultivation were put forward.
Evaluation of anticorrosive measures for wheat straw and strengthening mechanism of reinforced saline soil in littoral area
The Effect of Maize Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer Interaction on Soil C and N in Continuing Cultivated Wheat Field
Means of all wheat and rice straw application without chopping and cultivating and its effect on crop yield and soil fertility
Current Technique Application Situation of Returning Total Wheat Straw to Soil by Rotary Machine and Extension Countermeasures
Criterion of the simplified cultivation techniques for rice with recycle utilization of whole wheat straw during rotary tillage
Biogas Potential and Characteristics in Medium Temperature Anaerobic Fermentation of Sunflower Plate, Wheat Straw and Bean Straw
Development of the simplified cultivation techniques for rice with recycle utilization of whole wheat straw during rotary tillage
Effect of potassium supersulphate and urea treatment on improving the nutritive value and the rumen effective degradability of wheat straw
The Research of Recycling Properties of the Bleached Wheat Straw Fiber and Improving the Properties of Secondary Fiber with Enzymes Treatment
The test and research of application of microbial acidizing technology used in lignin acidizing separation to treat alkaline wheat straw pulping wastewater
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单词 wheat straw 释义

  • 单词释义:麦秆,麦秸;小麦杆  [更多..]



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