单词 xhil 例句大全,用单词xhil造句:

Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. G.S.Patton, Sr.
接受挑战吧, 如此你才能体会到胜利的喜悦。
He became as exhilarated as if his tender for building a mansion had been accepted.
他成了一样, 如果他为建设大厦投标已被接受振奋。
In these four years, we have been touched by tragedy, exhilarated by challenge, strengthened by achievement.
四年以来, 悲剧使我们动容, 挑战使我们振奋, 成就使我们强大。
Quite simply, it was a spectacular aerial roller-coaster ride of high exhilaration.
To exhilarate or stupefy as if with alcohol.
使陶醉使人兴奋或木然, 就象喝醉了酒似的
Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol intoxicated.
醉的, 陶醉的因喝酒类饮料而兴奋或木然的醉的
The sun and the wind on his back made him feel exhilarated--happy to be alive.
There was a sense of exhilaration about being alone on the beach.
The effect on Tollifer of this amazing interview was extrmely exhilarating.
whet, encourage, motivate, exhilarate, arouse, spur stimulation n.
刺激, 激励, 激发
Whet, encourage, motivate, exhilarate, arouse, spur stimulation n.
That was exhilarating, Jessica said.It was an expansive display of Asian artifacts.
真令人兴奋, 杰西卡说, 这是亚洲手工制品一次全面的展出。
Many astronauts have testified to the exhilaration of weightlessness.
There, strolling along the famous 5 th Avenue, I was simply exhilarated.
There, strolling along the famous 3 th Avenue, I was simply exhilarated.
He worked in many pop dialects and in dozens of bands but there was one constant: inventive exhilaration.
A joyous, blissful fresh water scent to uplift, exhilarate and inspire.
快活怡人的清新花香, 令人心情振奋, 充满朝气。
A delicate, blissful fresh water fragrance to uplift, exhilarate and inspire.
香味细腻, 清新舒爽, 令你心情振奋, 充满朝气。
The first few days are a blur of exhilaration and exhaustion.
Bold designs that exhilarate the viewers imagination.
We were exhilarated by our brisk walk in the rain.
He felt strangely exhilarated by the brisk, blue morning.
But with brothels there is always the exhilaration of not knowing what you're going to get.
但在妓院, 总有不知道你将得到什么的愉悦。
There are people from time to time and exhilarating bursts of fragrance.

单词 xhil 释义

  • 单词释义:xenon high-intensity light 氙高强度光  [更多..]



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