单词 special sense 例句大全,用单词special sense造句:

Enhance the thick and solid sense of the milk, apply to the special thick milk
提高牛奶稠度和厚实感, 适用于特浓奶
Bars give us a kinds of special sense and imagination, as if we were not here.
Comparing her forthright personality, and the special sense of obligation to the friend.
她的个性比较豪爽, 而且对朋友特别讲义气。
Zhou En will have special sense already with the relation of Comintern, have common sense again.
The sunshine spilt on the body. The special sense of touch occurred. It was as if I were away from the clamors.
阳光洒在身上, 有种特殊的触感, 好像置身于喧嚣之外。
According to special requirements can be made without a sense of environment to ensure the strict application requirements.
根据特殊要求可制作为无感, 以保证严格环境下的使用要求。
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