单词 routine work 例句大全,用单词routine work造句:

The routine office work had all been delegated to his executive staff.
Have a regular routine in the morning and allow your bowels time to work.
My daily routine included going to the gym a workout before going to work.
每天早上我都按例去健身房活动一下, 然后再去上班。
The office is in charge of the routine managing work of team work management.
I don't like to define my work as a daily routine, that can be very depressing.
Gradually, the computer will relieve man of all monotonous, dull routine work.
Theres nothing like an emergency at work to spice up another routine day at the office.
In such extraordinary times, the normal solutions and routine prescriptions would not work.
在这个非常时期, 通常的解决办法行不通, 常规药方也不灵。
With the bundle you can forget about routine manual work and focus on design and development!
Organising Christmas relief funds was more to his liking than the routine work on Capitol hill.
The routine work divides into the outpatient service, the hospital ward and dialysis room several parts.
日常工作分为门诊, 病房及透析室几部分。
Develop routine supervision work of team management section jointly with assistant head of the Chinese party.
The Population Division should improve its work in helping countries to strengthen systems of routine data collection.
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单词 routine work 释义

  • 单词释义:日常工作,例行工作,常规作业  [更多..]



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