单词 round step 例句大全,用单词round step造句:

They walked round the side of the house and her step faltered.
One false step brings everlasting grief, it is a century body to turn round again.
一失足成千古恨, 再回头是百年身。
Step Up the New Round Efforts to Make Radio and TV Services Available to Every Village
Round and round the garden Like a teddy bearOne step, two step, Tickle you under there.
花园里面徜徉, 玩具狗熊一样一步两步走来, 给你挠挠痒痒。
And now the final step of this process is to round the corners of the foreground images.
现在到了本阶段的最后一步, 圆滑背景中图像的转角。
Can you try to get your manufacturer round to step up production so as to advance the date of delivery?
It is a critical operation step for manufacturing elbow pipe to make tangential plane curve on the round pipe.
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