单词 Saccat 例句大全,用单词Saccat造句:

Sepals narrowly oblong, ascending, pubescent, base of lateral pair subsaccate.
萼片狭长圆形, 上升, 短柔毛, 侧的对近囊状的基部。
spur saccate, very short, slightly longer than basal auricles of sepals or not.
Sepals oblong, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate.
萼片长圆形, 直立, 侧的对的基部不囊状。
Stipules free, brownish green, small. Flowers white to violet. Anterior petal shallowly saccate but not spurred.
托叶离生, 褐绿色, 小。花白色至紫色。下花瓣基部浅囊状但无距。
Sepals oblong or ovate, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate.
萼片长圆形或卵形, 直立, 侧的对的基部不囊状。
Sepals oblong, erect, glabrous or pubescent, base of lateral pair subsaccate.
萼片长圆形, 直立, 侧的对近囊状的无毛或被短柔毛, 基部。
Sepals oblong or linear, erect or spreading, base of lateral pair saccate.
Sepals oblong, erect, glabrous or pubescent, base of lateral pair not saccate.
Sepals ovate or oblong, erect or spreading, base of lateral pair not saccate.
或长圆形的萼片卵形, 直立或开展, 不囊状的侧对的基部。
Sepals ovate or oblong, rarely orbicular, base of lateral pair not saccate.
或长圆形的萼片卵形, 圆形, 不囊状的侧对的基部的很少。

单词 Saccat 释义



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