单词 cast alloy 例句大全,用单词cast alloy造句:

Like the cylinder block, the head is made from either cast iron or aluminum alloy.
像气缸体一样, 气缸盖是由铸铁或者铝合金制成。
Cast various ash iron casting, ductile cast iron, alloy castiron, plain cast iron.
Cast by alloy, the body of the lock has compact fabrication, streamline appearance.
The structure of low alloy white cast iron is significantly influenced by modifiers.
Laser cladding bronze alloy process on the surface of nodular cast iron was studied.
The way to resolve the problem is to use an as cast manganese alloy austenitic steel.
Foundry products Cast steel and nickel alloy castings for pumps, valves and fittings.
铸造产品。泵, 阀门和配件用铸钢件和镍合金铸件
Study on the Thermal Fatigue Behaviour of White Cast Alloy Iron and Effect of Carbides
Properties and Heat Treatment of Low Alloy Wear Resistauce Cast Steel for Toothed Cutters
The Research and Application of Alloy Nodular Cast Iron Roll for HF welded Steel Pipe Mill
Casting defects analyzing and prevention of aluminum alloy cast by traveling magnetic field
The Study and Application of White Cast Iron Mill Liner Combined with Inoculating Tungsten Alloy
The current status of basic properties, study and application of cast magnesium alloy is reviewed.
The corrosion of low alloy cast iron used for fabrication of brine valves in the sea in this paper.
Suitable for welding carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and its alloy alloy steel and cast iron.
Suitable for low carbon steel, stainless steel, copper alloy, titanium alloy and cast iron welding.
Study on the Precipitated Phase and Corrosion Behavior of Superlow Carbon Cast High Alloy Stainless Steel
In this article, review is made of the present status of application of cast Ti and Ti alloy in dentistry.
Adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased.
The laser cladding processing was applied to carry out cladding bronze alloy on the surface of nodular cast iron.
The results show that concurrent addition of Ti and B can obtain refined grains and improved properties of the cast alloy.
研究结果表明, 同时加入钛和硼可细化晶粒, 提高性能。
The Ohno Continuous Casting technique has been successfully applied to the cast in process of optical fibres to a Al Mg alloy wire.
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