单词 I beg your pardon 例句大全,用单词I beg your pardon造句:

I beg your pardon, 'said Rhett with mock humility.
I beg your pardon I suppose I should have knocked.
请原谅, 我本来是应该先敲门的。
I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.
I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.
I beg your pardon, doctor, I really beg your pardon.
医生先生, 我请您原谅, 我诚心诚意请您特别原谅。
I do beg your pardon for my rudeness, Captain Butler.
我刚才说话太冒失, 请你原谅, 巴特勒船长。
I beg your pardon, Mrs.Wilkes. I meant no disrespect.
I beg your pardon, Aunt Wang, for coming in like that.
I beg your pardon. I think you were next in the queue.
对不起, 你原来是排在下一个的。
I beg your pardon, I didnt mean to tread on your foot.
我很抱歉, 我并非有意踩你的脚。
I beg your pardon, what you say is not exactly correct.
If What I said last time hurt you, I beg your pardon.
I do beg your pardon, but aren't you Mr. Leon's secretary
I beg your pardon, madame, but Mister Rubinstein has arrived.
I beg your pardon, I just know is the twelfth player you were.
I beg your pardon, but could you tell me where the Fleet Street is?
I beg your pardon,but do you know when the train gets to Las Vegas?
Long innocent of the people I beg your pardon I beg your pardon party.
长得很无辜, 长得对不起人民对不起党。
I beg your pardon but the woman you're insulting happens to be my wife.
I beg your pardon but the woman you are insulting happens to be my wife.
I beg your pardon, but can you tell me how I can get to the exhibition center?
If not having that two women, I also can not choose a square's, I beg your pardon.
如果没有那两个女人, 我也不会选择正方的, 请原谅。
My dear Miss Price, I beg your pardon, but I have made my way to you on purpose to entreat your help.
亲爱的普莱斯小姐, 请你原谅, 我是特意来求你帮忙的。
Do not know why, has the hearts of the wolf wolf I beg your pardon. Would like to apologize to the impulse.
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单词 I beg your pardon 释义

  • 单词释义:请你原谅;请再说一遍;我请求你的原谅(宽恕)  [更多..]



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