单词 in a million 例句大全,用单词in a million造句:

Anne cleared a million in income this year.
She was a great woman a one in a million mum.
America fights in a war that leaves two million dead.
They are holding out a carrot of 120 million in economic aid.
None in India. There are now at least a half a million active.
of nearly a million Americans from about 648 plans all in the U. S.
养老金计划中 选择的 研究。
About 18.6 million acres of oats were harvested for grain in the U.S.A.
Even though, at the time, they only had a million dollars in annual revenue.
In Africa, more than a million have died from violence, displacement and famine.
One estimate puts the cost in terms of sickness absence alone at over 700 million a year.
One estimate puts the cost in terms of sickness absence alone at over $700 million a year.
In France alone, more than a million people are affected with some form of mental ailment.
Last year, a million or more internally displaced people returned to their homes in Africa.
And in his State of the Union address that December he said that two and a half million Americans were unemployed.
在他12月发布的国情咨文里, 他说有2。5百万的美国人失业。
Police in English continue to search for two suspected robbers accused of pulling off a Jewelry heist worth more than 40 million dollars.
In the U.K. Internet advertising is expected to soar by 218% in 1999 to $89.4 million, and in France a 164% jump to $50.8 million is projected.
Price says the disease afflicts roughly one in a million people and occurs when certain brain cells that regulate muscle tone and coordinate movement die.
And a sum of HK800 million has been earmarked this year by the Financial Secretary for educational expenditures in addition to the annual budget allotment.
而财政司除了常年拨款, 今年也预留8亿港元作为教育开支。
The evidence for a warm Antarctic has been fossilized pollen and plankton found high in the Transantarctic Mountains, near the coast, and dated to around 3 million years ago.
In 1899 George Eastman, whose cameras and developing services would make photogra-phy a household activity, bought full rights to Velox for the then astonishing sum of $ 1 million.
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单词 in a million 释义

  • 单词释义:千里挑一的, 最好的  [更多..]



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