单词 Tao Lin 例句大全,用单词Tao Lin造句:

Wu Peng from Class 1 ran as fast as Lin Tao from Class 3.
I couldn't help laughing when Lin Tao made faces in class.
当林涛在课堂上做鬼脸时, 我情不自禁地笑了起来。
Lin Tao ran past him. He was first past the finishing line.
林涛从他身边跑过去, 第一个冲过了终点线。
Lin Tao hurried to study room to bring his birthday present.
Lin Tao invited us to have dinner with his family, remember?
LIN TAO Shall we go to the zoo I hear theres a dolphin show there.
Middle School. Li Lei and Lin Tao are his good friends. Polly is his bird.
Lin Tao's parents have already gone to London, but they're never been there before.
林涛的父母已经到伦敦去了, 但他们以前没有去过那里。
Here Lin Tao sea of clouds, Cuifeng towers, trees dense grass Feng, ring spring waterfalls.
这里林涛云海, 翠峰耸立, 树密草丰, 响泉飞瀑。
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