单词 To Be Added 例句大全,用单词To Be Added造句:

Necromancy will be added, allowing characters to raise the dead to fight for them.
An expression representing the date and time to which the interval is to be added.
Each of them can be individually jacked up, allowing wedges to be added underneath.
他们每个都单独顶起, 楔子加在下面。
If be apt to is added use, good mastery of measurable, will can rise to good effect.
Short, children's song that are easy to remember and to which actions will be added.
Then, they can decide how much chromium, carbon and manganese will have to be added.
Harmonics can be added to a wave which has a single frequency to produce a complex wave.
To affirm that no new financial burdens shall be added to the budget of the Secretariat.
The authors of the manifesto added a set of principles to follow if you want to be Agile.
Spring gaskets should be added to the ground points, and the connection should be fastened.
各接地连接点应加弹簧垫片, 连接紧固可靠。
The term to be added are the multiplicand multiplied by each of the bits of the multiplier.
Originally created hexagon function accessing and is convenient to be used with added force.
This can either be added manually, or the source can be modified to accomplish this as well.
Sometimes other materials are added to be the adobe mixter mixture to string for strengthen it.
有时, 其他材料也会添加到土坯混合物中以加强粘性。
Hence, sulphur dioxide is not permitted to be added to peeled almond under the said Regulations.
Added to the fact that they never boast about their achievements, pigs can appear to be coldhearted.
他们从不夸耀自己的成就, 因此会给人冷酷的感觉。
These words should be added before the Academy of Sciences distributes the document to the lower levels.
The formulations according to the invention can be added directly to aqueous or non aqueous preparations.
Experiment on the appropriate amount of water to be added in decocting herbs with new type decocting device
For instance, it would be nice to be able to add or remove vocabulary terms when a node is added or deleted.
During the plenary session, hundreds of flexible cars will be added in our city to ease the traffic situation.
Government subsidies whether implicit or explicit cannot be said to have added to economic wellbeing in aggregate.
The new engineer model does no longer attempt to add a river attack bonus to engineers, since such bonusses cannot be added to brigades.
In the 365 days of the calendar year on average, these figures show that 14.27 million will currently be added to China's population each year.
What that means in essence is that tiny computer chips, though relatively ' dumb ' on their own, can be added to billions of mundane objects and, thereby, yield substantial economic benefits.
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