单词 tingling 例句大全,用单词tingling造句:

A sensation of burning or tingling may be experienced in the hands.
He complains of tingling and numbness in his toes and stomach pains.
Sichuan cuisine is noted for its tingling, pungent and spicy flavor.
四川菜以麻, 辣, 五香味而著称。
That warm sensation, that tingling feeling of relief when it's over.
是种温暖的感觉 结束的时候有种轻松的麻感。
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings.
一个小男孩坐在钢琴下, 在一串串丁宁的琴声里。
Carole Pearse says her scalp starts tingling when snow is on the way.
英国一名妇女声称, 她可以预测什么时候下雪。
The first kiss with his girlfriend first love, she whole body tingling.
However, before she ejaculates, she may have a tingling urge to urinate.
然而, 当她来之前, 她可能有比较强烈的尿意。
An antiviral cream or ointment can relieve the burning, itching, or tingling.
She had decreased hearing in her left ear, upper extremity tingling and numbness.
a taste which is first sweet, then bitter, leaving a tingling sensation on the tongue.
He felt his arms and legs tingling, and knew that he may have inhaled narcotic incense.
Do you desire to sense the trembling and tingling tugging at your heartstrings for long?
The symptoms patients first exhibit include numbness, tingling or aching in the forearm and hand.
One month she lost some feeling in her hand (foreshadowed by the ' tingling ' she came to dread) ;
It creates a tingling sensation in your fingertips, a flutter in your heart and warmth in your belly.
它使你指尖发麻, 心头乱跳, 胃里一暖。
Weights roll around inside the marble shaped balls sending tingling vibrations throughout the pelvis!
In another, an electrode that blocks pain signals, reducing them to a mere tingling sensation, is surgically implanted.
When there's pressure on, or inflammation of, the nerve mots, there's usually a burning or electrical-type pain, which can be accompanied by tingling or numbness in the leg or foot.

单词 tingling 释义

  • 单词释义:有刺痛感( tingle的现在分词 )  [更多..]



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