单词 to go 例句大全,用单词to go造句:

Speaking of lunch, it was time to go out the front door, head up Park Ave and go to lunch.
Satellite feeds to the navigation system tell the auto how to get you where you want to go.
The only way to do this was to go to the prince's party that was attended by these notables.
People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.
The officer ordered the yamen runner to go to arrest the defendant, and bring him to the court.
Li Bai sprinkle Jiudong go, put aside the author's refined image of the sky to go out laughing.
To change the method of forcible recruitment into one of arousing the people to go to the front.
I continued to make money, and finally, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to go abroad.
我不停地挣钱, 终于一分一分攒够了出国的钱。
Because of excellent grades, he was approved to skip the normal steps to go up to a higher grade.
由于学习成绩优秀, 他被批准躐等升级。
They newlyweds arranged to go back to their hometown to hold a party during this spring festival.
To afford to send their son to go to college, the couple spent only a fraction of their earnings.
He the Shu ground turn round den once, he takes camera to clap to go to and appreciate in cluster.
The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.
In the earlier days of my arrival, I use to put a spoon in my purse, whenever we used to go out to dine.
Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, run out to the car to get something, or get a breath of fresh air.
Microtherm also is not equal to quality bad, want finished product to accord with GB to go definitely only.
低温也不等于质量不好, 只要成品符合国标准行。
to go away without permission or not to return to the court after be released on bail or to escape from prison
She was glad to acquiesce, and even to go to bed, and drink watergruel, in order that she might possess her soul in quiet.
她就欣然默认, 索性躺上床, 喝稀粥, 图个心里安静。
You confidence, I in no case retard your to go together with to anticipate, you whet into a leftovers to convey all can.
And so when it comes to this idea of restoring beauty to somebody's life, we have a long way to go when it comes to audition.
我们距离 帮助病人恢复审美能力 还差的远得很。
At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so she was determined to go to Paris University and study there.
Modesty helps one to go forward, conceit makes one lag behind. Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
汉译英中的推敲虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。
To go forward with the times, to be open up and blazing new trails, to promote the development of vocational and adult education of the capital
However, she but to hurrah to delay to feel put ahead, this material rises because of her and indeed absences her to go to ending of affair in person.
然而, 她却向呼延觉提出, 此事是因她而起, 自是要她亲去收尾。
Getting ready to go back to school in the good old days of, say, 1997 meant a few trips to the mall and the stationery aisle and a quick check of the bus route.
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