单词 Tomai 例句大全,用单词Tomai造句:

This leads to ugly, hardtomaintain code, full of duplication and with low cohesion.
这导致了难看的, 难于维护到代码, 充斥着重复和低的内聚。
A colorless crystalline ptomaine with a foul odor that is produced in decaying animal matter.
It is humiliating before others to have a diarrhoea from ptomaine poisoning or to vomit from it.
由于食物中毒而腹泻或者呕吐, 是在别人面前丢脸。
Genius is nothing but lstomair conditionershor and diligence.
Symptomailing fishs boby turns black, abdomen dropsy, there are erythemas nearby. Anus become red and turgescence, extrudes out.
症状身体发黑, 腹部肿大, 两侧有红斑, 肛门红肿外突。
Eventually, the vertical convectionreactions of topair and bottomair increase the roomtemperature.

单词 Tomai 释义

  • 单词释义:托毛伊; 托迈; 托马伊  [更多..]



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