单词 sailing ship 例句大全,用单词sailing ship造句:

And he dreamed of one day sailing to faraway places in his own ship.
He says the captain told him unequivocally the ship is sailing to Gaza.
Vasa This is the famous Vasa, a sailing ship from Sweden built in 1628.
The Pequod was a fairly small whaling ship the was sailing the next day.
A point on the compass, especially the one toward which a ship is sailing.
She is also the largest fourmasted sailing ship in the world still afloat.
Signal Filtrating of Accelerometer when Naval Ship Sailing in Unperfect State
The bottom of the ship is drawing a little water, so it is not sailing smoothly.
这艘船船底吃水很浅, 所以有些不稳。
The idea of sailing on a big tourist cruise ship with hundreds of other foreigners
The ship was sailing under the Dutch flag, ie the Dutch flag was flying from its mast.
The act of sailing closer into the wind. The ship is under full sail, making toward the land.
The sailing ship hides in the distant place fragmentary dot, makes the oil painting background.
帆船是躲在远处的零星小点, 作油画背景的。
We is not in a position to effect an earlier shipment because there is on ship sailing to your port this week.
Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the top mast rigging is attached.
If Thou grant me abundant health and happy spirits, do not let the gallant ship of carnal ease come sailing up the flowing flood.
若祢赐我幸福健康, 也求祢莫让我好逸恶劳, 死于安乐
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