单词 salt out 例句大全,用单词salt out造句:

salt out by sodium hydroxide.
The salt blooms out in the air.
For crying out loud, who put salt in the coffee?
Pour the salt out of the bug into a pot, please.
put some salt in the chopped cabbage to draw out the water
Salt is traditionally used to pull water out of the cabbage.
Having run out of salt, one day he down to the city of Benares.
一天, 他的盐用完了, 就下山去贝拿勒斯城。
Pour out the salsa into a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste.
It turned out that in a hurry, I bought a bag of salt by mistake.
I found out that Salt Lake City and San Francisco were different.
Carefully scoop out the core of the apple and sprinkle salt inside.
精心刳核心得苹果, 撒下盐内。
Test on Inorganic Salt Dissolving out of Waste Incineration Residual
Unfortunately again, digging the hard salt out is the only solution.
同样不幸的是, 挖出变硬的盐是唯一的解决方法。
This one would make a 17based disinfectant out of salt added to water.
该系统从盐中提取产生氯基消毒剂, 再加入到水中。
Don't use water to put out kitchen fires. Use baking soda or salt instead.
There are many many ways that nature filters water that takes salt out of water.
大自然有好多好多净水 并去除盐分的方法
Improvement on the process of treating salt slurry settling out from finished caustic soda
Seasoning the fish inside and out with coarse sea salt and fresh grounded pepper for 10 minutes.
鳟鱼洗静, 里外擦上粒状海盐和黑胡椒, 淹10分钟。
Formation Water Vaporization and Salt Out at Near Well Bore Zone in High Temperature Gas Reservoirs
Degumming experiment was carried out with the ammonium salt and the nitrate as the nitrogen additive.
The mutton is prepared by soaking it in a saturated salt solution for three weeks, and then taken out and dried.
羊肉需要在饱和食盐溶液中浸泡三周, 取出, 晒干。
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单词 salt out 释义

  • 单词释义:<化>(使)盐析,加盐分离  [更多..]



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