单词 staple food 例句大全,用单词staple food造句:

In the staple food to eat, with jelly, people tend to increase appetite, appetites.
在吃主食时, 配以凉粉, 往往使人食欲大增, 胃口大开。
I am fell so full now. It was the first time I ate lobster as staple food and was full.
我现在超饱, 这是我第一次把龙虾当主食, 还能吃饱。
Today, the national balance of cereal and other staple food products is met by imports.
Poi is a staple food in Hawaii. The large leaves of the taro are commonly eaten stewed.
The water bucks take shallow swamps as their habitats and aquatic plants as staple food.
水羚栖息在水深不淹没青草的浅滩中, 以水草为主食。
Their staple food is the fungus cultivated by slaves under the oversight of a taskmaster.
Thought the instant noodles worked as staple food the age the staple food are also dispensable.
A little be that the five cereals, subsidiary food are vegetable, additional staple food creophagism.
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