单词 wear through 例句大全,用单词wear through造句:

wear through the day
Zhiju Dress Through cutting town wear for men, fasten by belt or corset.
直裾上下通裁的男子日常服装, 系腰带或腰封。
We allow for wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine.
我们设计每台机器得部件时, 都考虑磨擦造成得损耗。
Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through head, neck and ears.
The wear of the matrix of a bit is severe when drilling through super abrasion strata.
At present wear particle identification work by artificial to finish through the microscope mainly.
I got to wear them blamed clothes that just smothers me, Tom they dont seem to any air git through em, somehow
汤姆, 我得穿那种倒霉的衣服, 紧绷绷的, 有点不透气。
A trip of big, cut through life of hopeless situation, in the body flavor wear arrive a kind of new life of state!
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单词 wear through 释义

  • 单词释义:将(衣物)穿破,磨出洞  [更多..]



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