单词 design speed 例句大全,用单词design speed造句:

In the software structure design, we divide it into grid connection subprogram and speed measuring subprogram.
The Design Method of Slipper Pair of a High Pressure Camshaft ConnectingRod Low Speed High Torque Hydraulic Motor
Equi Strength Design of Nonhomogeneous Variable Thickness High Speed Rotating Disk under Steady Temperature Field
From testing, the response speed and high precision of the electric actuator satisfied system design requirements.
A study on the structural design of a type of coastal water high speed passenger craft is introduced in the paper.
Design of synchronization running control system using speed difference circuits of dyeing and printing union machine
Design for a device of measuring acceleration derivatives of heave oscillation at high swing in low speed wind tunnel
Design Parameter Estimation of Joint Extreme Significant Wave Height and Wind Speed at Weizhoudao Observation Station
Management of information technology to speed up computer networks, computer graphic design proofing series transformation.
管理上加快计算机网络信息化, 电脑图案设计打样系列改造。
This article lay the first stone for the design of excellence resistance performance high speed catamaran with transom stern.
Design and investigation of elevating equipment of bisected house curtain with stepless speed regulation of frequency conversion
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