单词 design space 例句大全,用单词design space造句:

The structural design of an information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content.
为信息空间做结构设计, 以方便完成任务和访问内容。
In the following design space exploring procedure, this function can a reasonable granularity for the design.
利用拟合函数,就可以适时 科学地调整系统设计的粒度。
Space fluctuation parameters and its application in configuration optimization design for slotted fin surfaces
Dustbin also is arranged more the space asks in the lower part cabinet that has cistern in, the design concealments.
Comment on Block Application in Accumulating and Alternating in in Ceramics Model Design void space in packing system
From the above point of view, the design for the tooth profile of the space engaged generating hob will be quite simple.
From the University Student's Mode of the Privacy Study Behavior to the Attribute Design for the Public Privacy Study Space
Effects of miscellaneous lights in space rendezvous and docking and the design of measures to suppress the interference of miscellaneous lights
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