combined spinning twisting frame
combined spinning twisting frame.
combined spinning and twisting frame
Guide frame, tension sleeve and twisting copper sheathing are lubricated once per shift.
After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions.
我在地毯上跳过来跳过去, 扭动身子, 摆出各种别扭的姿势。
Note price of reformation for special machine and twisting frame shall be further discussed.
注特种机型改造, 捻线机加捻改造, 价格另议。
Development of twisting frame with single reel and five rollers and double drafting system for fancy yarn
After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfotable positions, I sat down at the breakfast table in an
在地毯上乱跳一阵, 并把身躯扭曲到令人不舒服的
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