单词 system industry 例句大全,用单词system industry造句:

The System Structure Model and its Analysis on the Corporation Development of War Industry and Civilian Product Enterprises
Familiar with the operating system and processes of manufacturing industry, proficient in all the functions classification.
The system analysis and adoptive policy of the transfer of scientific and technological accomplishments in the ordnance industry
Yongqing Xin history occurred surrender, Yang industry to build units, Qianlong anecdotal history of the system, such as poetry.
永清历史上曾发生韩信受降, 杨业筑台, 乾隆制诗等史实轶事。
Theory and application research on construction of planting and livestock breeding biomass energy industry based on system dynamics
Boeing foresees the industry's current ' hub-and-spoke ' system giving way to more point-to-point connections, which many flyers prefer.
When the oreforming mother rock body intrude in Cambrian system and later stratums, they are all not forming the industry mineral deposit.
The Constant Temperature Control Device of Electric Heated Blanket The Chemical Industry Warehouse Temperatur Humidity Automatic Measuring System
Study on the Index System Construction and Its Development Countermeasures About Soft Environment of Modern Logistics Industry In Northeast of China
On the implementation of forest resource maintenance responsibility contracting system and the adjustment of management measures of the forest industry enterprises
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