单词 yield to 例句大全,用单词yield to造句:

Effect of straw returning to field on the soil fertility and yield under the biological and nitrogen manipulation
This paper also indicated that the yield of formaldehyde may be increased obviously by adding some water to methylal.
Aromatic rings can be joined at a pair of adjacent carbons to yield compounds such as naphthalene, anthracene and chrysene.
Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in the ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty.
To lower blasted boulder yield is one of the most important technical considerations in deephole blasting operations of mine.
Path analysis indicated that boll weight and boll number contributed greatly to the increase of output of the yield components.
通径分析表明, 在增产因素中, 铃重和铃数所起贡献较大
Accumulation and Redistribution of Temporal Reserves in Vegetative Organs and Its Contribution to Grain Weight in High Yield Winter Wheat
Tins leaved theproblem of a subjective adjustment of the yield which is hard to manipulate andsometimes may result in illogical valuations.
这种调整尺度颇难把握, 有时甚至会导致荒谬的估价结果。
Selection Proceeding and Genetic Background of New Melon 1, a Water Melon for Seed with High Yield, High Quality Seed, and Resistance to Diseases
What that means in essence is that tiny computer chips, though relatively ' dumb ' on their own, can be added to billions of mundane objects and, thereby, yield substantial economic benefits.
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单词 yield to 释义

  • 单词释义:让步于;使自己受到…的支配;(使)陷入;接替  [更多..]



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