单词 as contracted 例句大全,用单词as contracted造句:

Shipment cannot be as contracted and should be postponed.
Words that are hyphenated or contracted count as one word.
Psittacosis,especially as contracted by human beings from birds.
You may rest assured that your order will be fulfilled as contracted.
As each calf entered, the cage contracted so the creature was held tightly.
每头牛一走进去, 笼子就缩紧了。这样, 牛就被夹得紧紧的。
As the season is drawing near, our customers are in bad need of the goods contracted.
由于销售季节已来临, 我客户急需所订货物。
Services such as specialized maintenance and building work and cleaning are contracted out.
As soon as one child has contracted the disease it spreads like wildfire throughout the school.
Fill as contracted wind day, the architrave that does not have functional action by simplify cancel.
随着简约之风日盛, 没有功能作用的线脚由简化到取消。
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单词 as contracted 释义

  • 单词释义:[经] 按照合同,照约定  [更多..]



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