单词 eternal law 例句大全,用单词eternal law造句:

advocate of the eternal law of value
Under all the eternal dome of the mathematical law.
This is the eternal law of adventure, one of the island.
All things subject to divine providence are ruled and measured by the eternal law.
In face of the irresistible law of nature, there is perhaps nothing that is eternal.
在不可抗拒的自然法则面前, 也许没有任何东西可以永恒。
The supersession of the old by the new is a general, eternal and inviolable law of the universe.
The law announces to people that they are guilty of sin against God and deserving of His eternal punishment.
律法宣布, 人们犯罪悖逆神, 应受神永恒的惩罚。
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