单词 eternal life 例句大全,用单词eternal life造句:

Truly I say to you, he who has faith in me has eternal life.
我实实在在地告诉你们, 信的人有永生。
Once God has saved one, who shall have gained a eternal life.
神一旦拯救了一个人, 得救者便得永生。
Now for me life is coming to bud again as if in eternal spring.
I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.
我可以教你如何生活, 却不能令你永生。
Whoever believes in god shall not perish but have eternal life.
And he is the eternal life to share with any who believe in him.
Primitive men fully believed in an eternal life after the world.
That land of eternal life, on the moment you have to wear white.
God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.
All men, by the grace of God, have the power to gain eternal life.
God broke into human history to offer us the gift of eternal life.
Most religions in the world promise eternal life after one's death.
Great month god has given me strength, punish evil, to eternal life.
You know me as the Prophet Isa. I have come to give you eternal life.
你知道我是先知尔撒, 我是要来给你永生的。
Seek the once mark in my soul, find the true essence with eternal life!
寻着我心灵中曾经的迹, 找到生命永远的真谛!
In the eternal world of freedom life is combined with art all the times.
They believed that they would inherit eternal life, just as he had done.
他们相信, 他们将承受永生, 就像奥西里斯那样。
The ephemeral nature of life reminds us to seek the inner eternal heaven.
Grant our brothers and relatives their saving petitions and eternal life.
满全我们众弟兄亲属对救恩的期求, 并赏赐他们永恒的生命。
Truth enjoys its eternal life within raging flames of mistakes and defeats.
I could tell them of the forgiveness of all sin and the gift of eternal life.
I repine at the shortness of life, and envy the great river its eternal course.
What does this parable teach us about eternal life and how to get ready for it?
Paul proclaims the precious message of eternal life that God promises in Christ.
The point is that you and I need to be free to receive the gift of eternal life.
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