单词 fennel oil 例句大全,用单词fennel oil造句:

Fennel oil has a lovely smell that is reminiscent of licorice.
Influences of Sowing Data on Content and Component of German Fennel Oil
Studies on the Factors Effecting Essential Oil Content and Quality of Fennel
Studies on the Extraction Method and the Regulation of Essential Oil in Fennel
Fry chilli and fennel in a sauce pan with vegetable oil and butter for 3 minutes.
The Comparison of Essential Oil Contents and Components in Various Organs of Fennel
The Influence of Distillation Conditions on Yield and Composition of Fennel Essential Oil
The Content of Essential Oil and Components of Fennel Seed in Different Development Stages.
Effect of high temperature treatment on contents and components proportion of essential oil in fennel
The Study of Duration of Distillation Effecting on Content and Composition of Essential Oil of Fennel.
Inclusion The crystal bars shall be inspected one by one with naked eyes under strong light after they are immersed in fennel oil.
将水晶棒经过茴香油后, 在强光下用肉眼逐根检查。
Eye Skin Row Poison Oil Neroli Sandalwood fennel Activate a skin, cancellation toxin, and alleviate the eye department the skin incidence.
活化眼部肌肤, 消除毒素, 减轻眼部肌肤负担。
The essential oil of fennel was obtained by the hydrodistillation, and the volatile flavor components were separated from fennel oil by HSCCC.
以小茴香为原料, 采用水中直接蒸馏的方法提取小茴香精油。
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