Corporate indigestion is as unpleasant as too many mince pies on Christmas day.
My mum loves dumplings, especially the ones she makes with pork mince and leeks.
我妈爱吃饺子, 尤其爱吃猪肉大葱馅得。
With head slightly tilted he mince his carefully selected words in a deep voice.
A bluff, beefy man, he didnt mince his words, but there was a twinkle in his eye.
他是个坦率而体格粗壮的人, 说话直爽, 眼中流露神采。
My brother and I were taught not to mince matters and come straight to the point.
我和弟弟被教导, 要直言不讳, 开门见山。
Acute toxicity and accumulative toxicity of polyinosinicpolycytidylic acid in mince
Mince the orange peel until very fine. Add the thyme, orange zest and the bay leaf.
将橙皮切成蓉。混合百里香, 橙青和香叶。
Trim off the connected roots of the mushrooms and rinse well. Rinse cilantro and mince.
Isabel I am in mourning and have slept badly, so I will not mince words. What do you want
伊莎贝尔我在服丧, 且睡眠不好, 所以请恕我直言, 你有何贵干
Mix together the pork mince with the coriander and ginger. Roll the mixture into walnutsized balls.
将碎肉和芫茜, 姜粒混合后弄成一颗颗核桃大小的肉丸。
Lately, cats are gobbling up rabbits almost as quickly as Hare Todays chesthigh grinders can reduce them to a crunchy mince.
这种肉馅饼最好吃现做的, 冷了就不好吃。
The utility model provides a meat embedded egg that consists of a boiled liquid egg and mince mixed with spice and embedded in the egg.