单词 mirror 例句大全,用单词mirror造句:

But Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature did not do much for my adolescent ambitions.
Well, I saw the band aid stuck on the mirror, and made the link between you and that.
Study on Externally Radiated Aerodynamic Noise Caused by Side Mirror of a Santana, Sedan
The cylindrical standard mirror was calibrated by the aid of the absolute testing method.
The collated and annotated Zi Zhi Tong Jian (History as a Mirror) will be published soon.
This cam happen if you run a internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.
She primped and preened in the mirror admiring the pendant, but she just wasn't satisfied.
The United States ah, seek yourself in the love, dont find in the adulation of your mirror.
General Mirror for the Aid of Government is the first historical annals in Chinese history.
Milk mirror in mirror together, such as blinking stars is of the Han dynasty mirror Jiapin.
乳镜聚于镜面, 如繁星闪烁, 是汉代铜镜中的佳品。
If the demure graceful beauty in aesthetic, in the water side, gazing at itself in a mirror.
Staring in the mirror of their own stand before the mirror, slightly collate your own garments.
凝视镜中的自己立于镜前, 稍稍整理一下自己的衣装。
Standing before the mirror side of the body to determine the location of a good ball of your aim.
站在一面全身镜前, 确定好你的瞄球位置。
Research of the Origin and Development of Bronze Mirror and Mirror Breaking Custom in Hunnish Tomb
Adopt imported reflect mirror and lens from america, makes the facula thinner and the cut stronger.
Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball, Save us all, tell me life is beautiful, Mirror, mirror on the wall.
A concept of the deployment mechanism for an annulus sector segmented primary mirror is put forward.
The secondary mirror must be adapted during the process of grinding and polishing to this other form.
Technical amelioration and control improvement to reduce grating and mirror slope error and roughness.
Mirror 2 is a spherical surface which will introduce spherical aberration to the system, but no coma.
Highquality steel is adopted for polishing roll and the chromeplated mirror on the surface is polished.
烫光辊采用优质钢材, 表面镀铬镜面抛光而成。
Mirror, mirror, on the wall the effect of scanning drum and prism on performances of infrared imaging systems
On the Aesthetic Thoughts of the Decoration of Bronze Mirror of Auspicious Animals and Grapes in the Tang Dynasty.
I accustom myself to the smile coagulated into the mirror just likes the moon belongs to deep autumn, enjoy myself.
The wood house that he does for her personally, mirror set, and mirror on the stage the lotus flower of cripple petal of the carvings.

单词 mirror 释义

  • 单词释义:镜子,反光镜;真实的写照;反映,借鉴;榜样  [更多..]



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