Bill, it shouldnt have been like this, she continued to moan.
People cry and moan. Look for a dry place to call their home.
人间鬼哭又狼嗥, 苦觅干燥栖身处。
From time to time there was a moan of pain from the sick man.
Do not cry, do not sigh, do not moan. Sad Blowing elapsed time.
The fear of his own death overcame him and he began to moan again.
他妻子死後两年, 他才振作起来。
When you are forced to cut back, you can moan, or you can find joy.
Although I acted very gently, he uttered a deep and suppressed moan.
Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.
From time to time, during the night, there was a moan from the sick man.
He could not possibly have endured a whipping without a moan or a whimper.
A group of young friends gather to moan their friend who committed suicide.
We all had a moan to the commander about it, and he in run was in full agreement.
我们都向指挥官诉了苦, 他也完全同意我们的意见。
He knelt down next to her. Her feverous breath quickened and she out a weak moan.
The piteous moan of reproach was drowned in the angry and menacing roar of the mob.
In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet, and the wind begins to moan.
He dropped into his own bed and fell asleep with a moan. Meticulously she undressed him.
他倒向自己的床, 抱怨声落下, 他也睡着了。
In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet, and the wind begins to moan.
He had a bit of a moan at us because we were playing within ourselves a little bit, stated Lampard.
他对我们大声咆啸, 因为我们自己踢得很糟糕, 兰帕德表示说。
Germans moan about a dearth of engineers Boeing grumbles about capacity constraints in the supply chain.
To write the true natural expression of emotions, can not be affected and moan and groan without being ill.
要写真实情感的自然流露, 不可做作和无病呻吟。
How the cattle moan! The herds mill about because they have no pasture even the flocks of sheep are suffering.
It is decreed that the city be exiled and carried away. Its slave girls moan like doves and beat upon their breasts.
王后蒙羞, 被人掳去, 宫女捶胸, 哀呜如鸽。此乃命定之事。
I told them to look at the clouds and they started to moan and sigh and started to photograph the clouds with their small photo cameras.
我让她们看云, 她们一边感叹一边用小相机拍起云来。