Lie facedown on a leg curl machine, and hook your ankles under the padded bar.
Comfort and support provided by contoured shoulder straps and padded back panel
They wear padded or mail armour and are equipped with a composite bow and sword.
拜占庭弓骑兵身穿镶甲或链甲, 装备复合弓和长剑。
A padded or knitted covering placed especially over a teapot to keep the tea hot.
Detachable padded shoulder strap, with two straps on bottom for use as a backpack.
可拆卸软垫肩带, 有两个底部带作为一个背包使用。
Stiffness is correct but it will not be enough for a racer or a cyclo well padded.
No name calling or suggesting the parent needs to spend time in a soft padded room.
Thread is wound on spools. made by winding thread around bobbins on a padded cushion.
A string created by another component might be padded with leading or trailing spaces.
The passage was tiresomely padded out with references to the authors fashionable friends.
Soft padded backpack straps with a hideaway waist belt help take the load off of your back.
Fencers must wear protective clothing including a padded jacket, a warmish mask and gloves.
Fencers must wear protective clothing including a padded jacket, a wire mesh and a glove.
The Express 7 can be carried by the carrying handle or the adjustable, padded shoulder strap.
Then a block of padding values is inserted in the baseband symbol to produce a padded symbol.
This fellows getup was familiar a black padded gown and a felt hat, its brim pulled very low.
这个的打扮, 他看着眼熟青大袄, 呢帽, 帽子戴得很低。
The waist was slightly fitted, shoulders were lightly padded, and lapels were not very broad.
Aztec warrior armoured with padded armour, a chimalli shield and armed with a maquahuitl club.
This code would try to distinguish between commissions paid for real services and padded fees.
Choked with stars, it quivers on a pure breeze and the padded wings of night beat slowly around me.
Her letter to her aunt was not long enough, so she padded it out with information about the weather.
她给她姨妈的信不长, 她又添加了些有关天气的内容。
These troops wear padded armour called ichcahuipilli, and use a chimalli shield and a maquahuitl club.
If the column name is shorter than the column width, the output is padded with spaces up to the next column.
If needed transportation equipment, it is suggested that the equipment and its annex are filled with padded packaging.
如果需运输设备, 建议将设备及其附件分别以软垫填充包装。
The police officer was armed with a semiautomatic handgun. It's getting cold. We'd better start wearing our padded jackets.