单词 other 例句大全,用单词other造句:

Both parties provide accommodation for exchange students with each other, other expense by students themselves.
两校各方为对方留学生提供住宿, 其他费用自理。
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, other than of procelain or china.
Keep applicable data and perform other routine clerical tasks as assigned and for other departments if required.
From one side of a country to the other. Furthermore, we orient each edge arbitrarily from one end to the other.
Now, please walk through the gate and collect your bag and other personal belongings at the other side over there.
Having not met each other for over twenty years, the brother and sister hugged each other and cried when they met.
Magnetize attract or repel each other The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time.
Friendship is two hearts that mutually treat each other sincerely, rather than one heart knocking and beating the other.
Magnets or currents of the same polarity will repel each other, while those of different polarity will attract each other.
Other textile fabrics, impregnated, coated or covered with materials other than rubber, plastic, gum or amylaceous substances.
Other mens singlets and other vests, including boysNo. 8No. 18, other than underwear, of cot ton, knitted or crocheted.
Please do like this, one hand on your back and the other inthe water bucket. Try to wash one hand without the help of the other!
一只手放背后, 另一只放桶里, 试着用一只手洗一洗!
On the other hand, results also showed that the degree of enjoyment to Alpaca grazing other pasture was different in this research.
Children have been turned against parents, brothers against each other, friends into foes, and other ethnic Americans against Japanese
Other womens or girlsjackets and blazers of wool or fine animal hair, plastic or other materials pro cess ed, knitted or crocheted.
beat, carry out corporal punishment on or instigate other people to beat, carry out corporal punishment on other people under detention
When two old men meet each other, they will greet each other by dagong (cupping one hand in the other before the chest to show respect).
Other mens trousers, breeches, industrial and career apparel, of synthetic fibres, other than playsuit, without thermal lining.
We can remember the past, and we can think about the future, and we can imagine what it's like to be some other person in some other place.
我们记得过去 思考未来 我们想象 自己成为他人,在他方
Other mens or boystrousers, breeches, with thermal lining, industrial and career apparel, other than playsuit, of synthetic fibres.
What is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently.
The bottom Sn is welded on the end of the other guide wire to turn into the other electrode after the other guide wire passing through the lamp cap.
If participants choose to stay in other hotel other than the official hotel, the same amount of entry fee given above will be chargeable by the organizer.
如参赛者选择入住其他酒店, 组委员仍须收取相同之报名费。
Across the generations, I see that people can't get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts they can control.
one party shall inform the other party by telex or cable within the shortest possible time and send to the other party a letter confirming the date of ratification.
然后用传真通知对方, 并用信件确认。

单词 other 释义

  • 单词释义:其他的;另外的;额外的;另一的;余下的;别人的  [更多..]



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