To the page margins aligns the contour of the graphic object to the nearest page margin.
Automatic determination of page width and height that captures the whole page accurately.
The different algorithm is key to the improved performance and absence of page flickering.
In addition, you implement a basic pagination mechanism by fetching the data page by page.
If there was no title on the page, could you tell that this is a Microsoft or Windows page
如果页面上没有标题, 你能知道这个是微软的网页吗?
The page will automatically jump to the home page, Thank you for your presence and support.
The caption content of the page, the theme that wants to be able to convey a page only can.
页面的标题内容, 只要能表达出页面的主题即可。
The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page, and the world news section.
Page upon page is devoted to the chain of events leading to the Prime Minister's resignation.
The requested page number is out of range and cannot be displayed. Enter a valid page number.
The original should be scanned from the front cover, then page spread originals in page order.
原稿应从封面扫描, 然后按原搞页码分页。
An all white web page uses about 74 watts to display, while an all black page uses only 59 watts.
Then she turns the page, and theres a picture of a shoe on the next page, and the child says Dog.
然后她翻页, 在下一页是鞋的图片, 可孩子却说是狗。
The first translation table is called the Page Directory, and the second is called the Page Table.
View state for a page or control is the cumulative property values, or view, of that page or control.
Specifies the compiler warning level at which you want the compiler to abort compilation for the page.
After detaching, a page is placed into the page pool, where it will await reuse for some future request.
脱离后, 页面被置入页面池中, 以等待稍后的请求重新使用。
Explicit voting also allows your class or page to abort a transaction if it encounters a significant error.
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Title page The page that carries the title, author, and name of the publisher of the book. It is always a recto.
The interpretation of the report for acquisition by offer shall be printed on page subsequent to the contents page.
Page number of the page displayed at the top of the list for which a list event was triggered. Counting begins at 1.
Let me instead focus on a lessobvious insight, discovered by the economist Lionel Page and his wife, the psychologist Katie Page.
希望本文对目前中小企业融资难的问题, 有所启发。
So when you return to the page again another time, you are automatically logged in, and because of that, the registration page is not visible.
Three years later, after filling laboratory books with page after page of failed experiments, Baekeland finally developed a material that he dubbed in his notebooks ' Bakelite'.