单词 outright 例句大全,用单词outright造句:

A translation of which might be the things we already know but often overlook or outright forget.
也可以说是我们已经知道, 但经常忽略或者完全忘记的东西。
Delays or outright refusals have been reported for imports permits for alumina feeder stock for aluminum.
Provisions governing bonds outright repo transactions shall be formulated by this Exchange in another initiative.
Most of these children were forcibly recruited because of social and cultural pressures or were simply abducted outright.
Housing outright sale contract, issue outright sale contract, adopt outright seller, no estoppel or othercomplication is allowed.
房屋卖断契, 立卖断契, 立卖断人, 不得反悔或节外生枝。

单词 outright 释义

  • 单词释义:完全地;彻底地;坦率地,不客气地;即刻,马上  [更多..]



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