Players and coaches blessed their fans with an unforgettable summer, moving, overwhelming.
You also feel an overwhelming ache for support from others which you cannot put into words.
The overwhelming majority of nonlinear differential equations are not soluble analytically.
Bookstore and advertising can be said to be overwhelming, so you can not concerned about it.
并且书店的广告可以说是铺天盖地, 让你无法不对它关注。
On that particular May day, the overwhelming majority of the protesting barristers were men.
五一劳动节那天, 绝大多数游行示威的高级律师都是男子。
The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
But sometimes fear can be so extreme, so overwhelming, that it interferes with normal living.
And I believe that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we will all be okay.
我相信即使面临铺天盖地相反的证据, 我们都会没事?
And the sheer amount of bottled pheromones and the related promises out there is overwhelming.
Despite the overwhelming success of Titanic, DiCaprio insists he has not changed his acting goals.
The overwhelming majority of Chancery Students who take these exams pass with exceptional results.
So far, close contact with infected birds has been the overwhelming means of transmission to humans.
This is augmented by the firm desire of the overwhelming majority of Singaporeans to keep it that way.
此外, 国人都强烈的希望保持现有的情况。
According to Marxism, communist society is a society in which there is overwhelming material abundance.
I know as well that this often seems like an overwhelming level of responsibility for people to assume.
正如我知道的,这正是 人们期望的 责任的最大化程度。
The overwhelming majority of the victims have been unarmed civilians, in particular women and children.
Some heart-attack victims describe a sudden, overwhelming sense of doom or feel pain under their scapula.
Statistics indicated that the overwhelming majority bond fund since this year realizes the income at present.
据统计, 目前绝大多数债券基金今年以来实现正收益。
The whole thing was compact, overwhelming, and misshapen. It seemed like the guncarriage of an enormous cannon.
整体是庞大, 笨重, 奇形怪状的, 就象一架大炮的座子。
The temptation to embellish may be overwhelming, but eventually your online connection will suss out the turth.
也许你很想对自己加以修饰, 但是你的网友迟早会发现真相。
To further complicate matters, the variety and types of taxes imposed by a political subdivision can be overwhelming.
It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources.
迪伊说, 针对这一活动的反应非常热烈。
Sentineled by the messengers of God, we shall not be surprised by sudden assaults nor swallowed up by overwhelming forces.
Many other giant e-commerce warehouses now specialize in selling an overwhelming selection, great prices and high quality service for a particular category of goods.
Javert, and three of his former companions in infamy, the convicts Brevet, Chenildieu, and Cochepaille,what does he offer in opposition to this overwhelming unanimity?