单词 kraft 例句大全,用单词kraft造句:

She was appointed to the additional post of Chairman in March 2007, following Altria Groups spinoff of Kraft.
卡夫脱离奥驰亚集团之后, 她又于2007年3月被任命为总裁。
The technique of reinforced alkaline extraction was used to improve the bleaching efficiency of kraft reed pulp.
Each piece is to be doubled folded, rolled on cardboard, wrapped in kraft paper and then packed in wooden cases.
双折卷板, 外包牛皮纸, 然后装木箱。
Influence of Refining Degrees of Kenaf Core CMP and? Bleached Kraft Softwood Pulp on the Properties of Resultant Newsprint
High quality newsprint can be produced by using the furnish of bleached kraft softwood pulp mixed with the Eucalyptus CTMP.
用此浆料与漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆配抄, 可获得优质新闻纸。
The experiment of bagasse kraft black liquor polymer viscosity control was carried out in the commercial ultrasonic machine.

单词 kraft 释义



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