单词 kilometre 例句大全,用单词kilometre造句:

They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea.
China agreed to join the UK to promote the Square Kilometre Array.
They ran half a kilometre, and then Buck heard Francois call to him.
他们追跑了半公里, 巴克听见弗朗索瓦斯在叫他。
About a kilometre out of the city, the train began to pick up speed.
出城约一公里后, 火车开始加速。
At the end of the 438 kilometre special stage, competitors leave Libya.
在438公里特别的阶段的末端, 竞争者离开利比亚。
All other triangular routes will be scored with factor 1.75 per kilometre.
Method of coordination transformation between Mercator chart and Gauss kilometre map.
It manages 67 miles a gallon and emits only 101g of carbon dioxide for each kilometre driven.
他行驶67公里耗油一加仑, 每公里只排放101克的二氧化碳。
The car, to be launched in 2012, would have ultralow emissions of less than 50g of carbon dioxide per kilometre.
该车将拥有超低水平的排放量, 每公里碳排放量不足50克。
The new works were assumed to discharge the sweage effluent from an outfall approximately one kilometre off the coast.

单词 kilometre 释义



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