单词 masquerade 例句大全,用单词masquerade造句:

A costume consisting of a hooded robe worn with an eye mask at a masquerade.
化妆斗篷面具有眼面具, 在化妆舞会上穿着的连帽化妆斗篷
the masquerade would fail , and besides , masquerade was foreign to his nature
伪装准会失败, 再说, 伪装跟他的天性是格格不入的。
This is an unofficial patch for Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines by Troika Games.
这是一个非官方的补丁吸血鬼伪装血统, 由三驾马车游戏。
It is still the same masquerade that continues, simply with a contemporary flavour.
In conclusion, conjunctival blue nevus can be multifocal and masquerade as melanoma.
Different kinds of Halloween games will be arranged for children during the masquerade.
Sometimes a medical illness or another psychiatric condition can masquerade as depression.
At that former masquerade she had disappeared after promising to meet him at the next one.
在她失踪后, 冒用前去接光明未来。
Otherwise, an attacker with the key will be able to completely masquerade as the principal.
And what they played was a masquerade, from behind the walls of doubt, a voice was crying out
他们玩的是化妆舞会, 从怀疑的墙后, 传来一声尖叫
Each of them has his masquerade and chase his achievements. There is not authentic friendship.
Nor can I masquerade in a cloak of romance and patriotism, no matter how convenient it might be.

单词 masquerade 释义

  • 单词释义:化装舞会;伪装;掩饰  [更多..]



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