单词 majesty 例句大全,用单词majesty造句:

Majesty radiated from his goodness, though his goodness ceased not to be radiant.
named for the british queen , the might and majesty of these falls hasn t wavered.
以英国女王命名的这座瀑布, 其磅礴气势亘古未变。
So shall I give thanks to you in the name of the majesty which ordained your birth.
而我终将向汝致谢, 以授与汝之源的威权之名。
His Majesty Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, was escorted into the General Assembly Hall.
Gird your sword upon your side, O mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty.
For see, the Queens barge lies at the stairs, as if her Majesty were about to take water.
瞧, 女王的游艇停泊在浮码头边, 好像女王陛下就要乘船出航。
Your servant Qing bows before Your Majesty, Your Majesty. Is this the red you had chosen?
I fear just now his Majesty is both sick and sorry, and never a penny in his pouch to boot
His Majesty appoints star to be an imperial commissioner , brings this case to trial again.
皇上委任星为钦差大臣, 重新审理此案。
God princes, envoys for your majesty to probe into the rape of zhejiang, greedy collectors.
On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.
上星期五晚上, 我奉陛下之命, 组织新的一届政府。
She became Her Britannic Majesty's new ambassador plenipotentiary to the Republic of Lebanon.
Look at the sky at least once a day, appreciating the majesty of the world that surrounds us.
每天至少朝天空看一次, 以领略我们周围世界的宏伟。
We appreciate the gracious welcome extended by His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen.
Your Majesty. We are compelled to remind you that this man committed a serious crime against the gods.
陛下, 我们得提醒您, 此人对神明犯下了重大罪行。
After being endorsed, the new cabinet will need to swear an oath of allegiance to His Majesty the King.
在获得批准之后, 新内阁还将要宣誓效忠国王。
Your Majesty, you're overestimating me. I've been practicing archery merely for a longer period of time.
Tiger image is powerful and prestige, represents braveness, persistence, majesty, strength and flourishing.
Just an hour ago, I had the honour to present my credentials to Her Majesty the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
就在一小时前, 我在白金汉宫向女王陛下递交了国书。
It is in the shape of a horse's hoof and has become world famous for its majesty, steepness and peculiar charm.
In addition, the inscription on precipices in Ming dynasty also add somewhat majesty to the ancient shut fortress.
On behalf of the our company, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. Your majesty!
Captain His majesty ordered an edict Summon two representatives of the rebels to present themselves before the monarch!
The Islands are within the dominion of Her Majesty and have been since they were discovered by Captain Parrish, a subject of Rydal.
To the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, might, and authority before all time and now and unto all eternity. Amen.

单词 majesty 释义

  • 单词释义:主权,统治权;陛下,王权;庄严,雄伟;光轮中的耶稣(圣母、上帝)圣像  [更多..]



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