单词 make 例句大全,用单词make造句:

You can make a joint of four. You can make a joint of six.
Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws.
Arizona, if it would make you happy, it would make me happy.
How to treat bifurcate of make water of prostate make water?
It can make bland foods tasty and can make the dentist rich.
Oz takes one hour to make a spear and two hours to make an axe.
奥兹做一只矛用一小时, 一个斧头用两个小时。
So we begin to make beautiful dreams to make our living better.
I can make a model plane. What can you do? I can make a puppet.
We can make individual changes, but we can make social changes.
Make your cubicle neat and tidy a great d make it a homey charm.
听听中常把你的办公桌弄得干净整洁, 像家一样温馨。
Fairy tale, make me aromatic, make me bright, let me fly upwards.
Do crawly insects make you cringe or dead bodies make you blanch?
How can you make oneself happier? Make beside is the person happy?
It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.
挣到一美元很容易, 但要做到与众不同却要困难得多。
Make certain of his safe arrival Make certain that he arrived safe.
Make a few guns to make you much, I wore ballproof garment to come.
为了让你们多打几枪, 我穿了防弹衣来的。
If you can't make a good ad in Chicago, you can't make one anywhere.
如果你在芝加哥做不出好广告, 换到别的地方也无济于事。
We could make cars bigger, which is protective, but make them light.
You make me disappoint, you make me feel love, you make me lose way.
Adam takes four hours to make a spear and three hours to make an axe.
I need to make friends my age, and you need to make friends your age.
我得跟我的同龄人交朋友 你也得跟你的同龄人交朋友。
She's going to make John a cake. She's going to make a cake for John.
When you need to make a schema change, you make it and hit the button.
当你需要修改模式的时候, 你就去改它然后按个按钮。
Make me, oh God, the prey of the lion, ere You make the rabbit my prey.
神啊, 就让我做狮子的猎物吧, 不然就让兔子成为我的俘食。
It is easier to make certain things legal than to make them legitimate.
一些事立法容易, 要它们合法难。

单词 make 释义

  • 单词释义:制造;制订;铺床;造成;使变得;引发;做出;迫使;表现;选举;适合;合计;算出;挣钱;到达;使成功;得分  [更多..]



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