单词 make 例句大全,用单词make造句:

Make drawing with soap bubbles. I can take soap bubble and make a video.
用肥皂泡沫绘图, 我可以把这作成视频。
People started to make a buzz over his private life, make a fuss over it.
Negative space make arrangement different, so make air in the arrangement.
留白的空间会使得作品感觉不同, 所以在作品中做出空间。
It takes at least two to make a peace, but one can make a war. Chamberlain.
和平需双方谋求, 而战争一方就可挑起。张伯伦。
In the old days when they used to make butter, you know how you make butter?
Yi Ke uses rubble to wait to make processing make archaize feel a bit on wall.
The custom here and the cultural atmosphere make me become and make it a rule.
This is the last chance for you to make the team, do not blow it make the team
Our company have coffee bean and cocoa make South Africa. welcome to make order.
本公司长期供应南非咖啡豆, 可可粉。欢迎订购。
He is already in a state of anxiety which tends to make him make poor judgments.
Instead of trying to make gradual changes in small increments, make big changes.
They will often also make fresh fruit jams or candies to make extra money as well.
If one and one make two, and two and two make four, how much do four and four make
如果一加一等于二, 二加二等于四, 那么四加四等于几?
And the love profusion. You make me feel. You make me know. And the love intention.
I hope I can make some achievements here and make progress with all of you together.
I will make you a great.nation, and make your name great. and you shall be a blessing
Adding to that, many people tend to make the mistake of focusing on how to make money.
We won't make any concessions, for we will not make any profits at the price you named.
我们不能让步, 因为以你们指定的价格我们将无利可图。
Enlighten bank medium held water 2004,in order to make campus medium make ones fortune.
In his childhood, he learned from his father how to make clay figurines to make a living.
Yup, if reggae could make it onto the airwaves in North Dakota, it could make it anywhere!
secrete make water Appear much make water, serious when can appear albuminuria , hematuria.
泌尿生殖系统出现多尿, 严重时可出现蛋白尿, 血尿等。
Sometimes crosstalk players make fun of themselves to make the audience roar with laughter.
If she can make it believable and not exaggerate too much she can expect to make a fortune.
It's easy to make money. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. Teachers make a difference!

单词 make 释义

  • 单词释义:制造;制订;铺床;造成;使变得;引发;做出;迫使;表现;选举;适合;合计;算出;挣钱;到达;使成功;得分  [更多..]



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