单词 icy 例句大全,用单词icy造句:

Cider, Ginger Fizz, Praline, Cherry, Frosty Blast, Icy Lavender.
The rain of the south has never congealed into icy, glittering snowflakes.
resembling cracks on the surface of an ice cube, so it means chilly or icy.
A group of gentoo penguins nests on an icy shore of Cierva Cove, Antarctica.
As he was flipping through the encyclopedia, an icy chill brushed his heart.
The Sun has been breaching more and more of the North's icy protective mirror.
To human eyes, the icy surface of Saturns moon Rhea would appear fairly monotone.
Her rage had now passed, and the icy fingers of fear were clutching at her heart.
现在是狂怒落火, 冷冰冰得恐怖爬上了她得心了。
Study on the Use of Angel Fruit Wine Yeast in the Production of Icy Apple Fruit Wine
While the sacking of Mark Hughes was ruthless, it appeared to have an icy shrewdness.
The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water.
弃船命令发出了, 数以百计的旅客跳入冰冷刺骨的海水。
The winds of autumn were beginning to howl, and winter's icy blasts were not far away.
The coin is pure icy white with just the slightest hint of barely evident light toning.
Financialservices workers are bracing for an icy dive into a shallow yearend bonus pool.
AIX Enterprise Human Resource Limited Corporation lies in the beautiful icy city Harbin.
The order to abandon the ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water.
Another cloudless night and very cold conditions has left a hard, icy cover on the snow pack.
In the Dagger River mist, through a biting wind, Horseshoes, at the Sand Mouth line, break on icy boulders.
Bobsledding involves descending down an icy track in a bobsled cart with two or four people sitting inside.
He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street, on his way home to his young wife and infant daughter.
Running is a very good campaign, but the obstacles encountered when. Seize the opportunity to break the icy ahead!
跑步是一项很好的运动, 但是遇上阻碍的时候。
Plague of Insects, Windstorm Disaster, Hail Damage and Icy Snow Calamity in Hunan in the Later Stage of Qing Dynasty
Be careful driving down these icy roads. I almost got hit by a car who swerved into oncoming traffic after losing control of their car.
He was icy cold. A wind which was chill like the breeze of dawn was rattling the leaves of the window, which had been left open on their hinges.
And then, when we took additional pictures, we discovered that from these fractures are issuing jets of fine icy particles extending hundreds of miles into space.
再看看其他照片 从这些断层中喷射出冰物质 喷向空中

单词 icy 释义

  • 单词释义:寒冷的,冰冷的;结冰的;冷冰冰的,不友好的  [更多..]



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